
Yes, there's actually a Vagina Museum. Located in East London, the Vagina Museum is the world’s first brick-and-mortar museum dedicated to vaginas, vulvas, and gynecological anatomy. We have a vision of a world where no one is ashamed of their bodies, everyone has bodily autonomy, and all of humanity works together to build a society that is free and equal. This is our podcast. Spoiler alert, it's about vaginas.

Season 2 Vagina Museum Season 2 Vagina Museum

The (Pelvic) Pain is Real

The pain is real. Pelvic pain and period pain, that is. If you’ve ever wondered why people with uteruses get pain, what’s “normal,” and when to see a doctor, this is the episode for you. And if you’ve ever had your pain diminished, dismissed, or been told it’s all in your head, this episode is definitely for you. We go in-depth with Dr. Sonia Bahlani a.k.a the Pelvic Pain Doc to get nuanced, compassionate advice on dealing with all types of pelvic pain.

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Season 2 Vagina Museum Season 2 Vagina Museum

Welcome To Your Period

Welcome to a whole podcast season on periods and the menstrual cycle. shame. In this episode, we talk to Tara Costello, period educator and author of “Red Moon Gang: An inclusive guide to periods.” Tara helps us understand the basic science behind cycles, busts some myths (28 days means nothing), and gets us thinking about what period positivity does and doesn’t mean.

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